Why Parents Love Bitsbox Image

Why Parents Love Bitsbox

“My kids (6 and 9) are completely obsessed with BitsBox. From the minute she got on the website, my 6 year old daughter was fully captivated, begging to stay up late to work on "just one more app". And my kids woke up this morning and first thing decided they would work on one of the challenges together. I am incredibly impressed by how quickly the program drops kids into autonomous coding and sophisticated concepts that are instantly fun - and by the range of apps and customization enabled in each box. You really nailed it with this. I never post reviews but felt moved to do so here.”
— Ashlie :)

“We just got our box yesterday and our daughter started today and we LOVE how engaged she has been!! We love the product!! Absolutely a company we will love to support through the years! Thanks for teaching our girls that they can be interested in computers and making it fun and educational! That is gift enough!”
— Kelly Leah Tate

Frequently Asked Questions

What age is Bitsbox for?

Bitsbox is designed for kids 6-12 years in age.

How your kids engage with Bitsbox will depend on their age, of course. If your kiddo is 6 or 7, they may choose shorter projects and make simpler customizations. Older kids will do the projects faster and need less help.

Does Bitsbox allow for multiple siblings?

Yes! If your kids can share toys, they can share Bitsbox. Each kiddo can make their own coding account online for free, so they each have their own virtual tablet and coding space. They can then take turns with the app projects.

What kind of computer do I need?

Bitsbox works on any computer with a web browser. A Mac, Windows PC, Linux machine, or Chromebook works great. Bitsbox works inside a webpage and doesn't require any downloads. Even though it's theoretically possible for kids to do Bitsbox on a tablet or iPad, we'd recommend using a machine with a physical keyboard—typing a set of {} on an iPad is an ordeal, even for grownups.