Thanks for your feedback!
It means a whole lot to us.
Unique Code
Your answer
Has your coder build an app with Bitsbox yet?
If yes, how many apps has your coder built?
If no, why hasn't your coder started with Bitsbox yet?
Tell us about your Bitsboxer(s)! How old are they?
6 and under
12 and older
Bitsboxer #1
Bitsboxer #2
Bitsboxer #3
Bitsboxer #4
Bitsboxer #5
One more about the coding superstar(s)! What's their gender?
Prefer not to say
Bitsboxer #1
Bitsboxer #2
Bitsboxer #3
Bitsboxer #4
Bitsboxer #5
How likely are you to recommend Bitsbox to your friends, family, and colleagues?
Not at all likely
Extremely likely
Can you elaborate on why you would or wouldn't recommend Bitsbox?
Your opinion means A LOT to us!
Your answer
What mailing address should we send the additional Bitsbox gift to?
Your answer
If you're willing, we'd love to have the email address of your Bitsboxer's guardian so we can send them coupons & keep them in the Bitsbox loop! (Optional.)
Your answer
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